NYCI offers a range of classes and seminars, allowing students to simply satisfy their curiosity about iridology and herbs, or acquire the necessary skills and certification to become a practitioner.  

Iridology Certification Course of Studies

Module 1 teaches beginning students the basic techniques, tools and signs of Clinical Iridology

Module 2 focuses on recognizing iris signs and what they mean across the eight body systems 

Module 3 covers reading the dark brown iris, and setting up your practice 


Students need to be registered 15 days in advance for all classes.  For current price & registration, call 212 968-0231  between noon and 8 pm EST.  For current schedule, go here.


NYCI grants Basic and Advanced Certification in American Clinical Iridology upon completing Module 1, 2 and 3 classes (the Herb and Nutrition Class is optional). An Advanced Certificate requires ten documented iris readings of both dark brown and blue irides, with:

  • Eye Charts (or correctly annotated photos)

  • Evaluation checklists

  • Client Recommendations

Class Location

All classes take place in Brooklyn
